Losing weight

Weight gain leading to obesity is now reported to be in epidemic proportions in Australia. What could be contributing to this problem? Michael sees four key causes:
1. High release of the hormone glucagon from the pancreas leads to the release of glucose from the liver. The pancreas then releases insulin to drive this sugar into cells including fat cells. When sugar arrives in a fat cell it is converted into more fat. This problem is very often caused by the toxoplasmosis parasite in the vagus nerve. Bioresonance can identify and treat this parasite. Unfortunately, there is little effective treatment in the mainstream medical kitbag.

2. Heavy metals depositing in adipose tissue can reduce the ability of fat cells to break down fat stores and return energy molecules to the blood stream. Michael calls this TFS or Toxic Fat Syndrome. Heavy metals (particularly mercury) affect the ability of fat cells to make glycogen, the short term sugar store used by mitochondria to make energy (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate or ATP). Without ATP, the production of leptin is reduced and the hypothalamus in the brain thinks you are too thin so it stimulates you to eat.
Bioresonance treatment can mobilise the heavy metals which are blocking glycogen production. This helps to restore leptin production which tells your brain to stop pushing you to eat and translates to accessing your stored reserves of energy.

3. Hypothalamic and other glandular toxicity: heavy metals, chemicals and fungal toxins can block the hypothalamus, pituitary and thyroid leading to a drop in body temperature and metabolic activity. Tiredness and mental sluggishness results and exercise drops off the daily menu. Bioresonance can look into the details of your hormonal functions and address the underlying causes.

4. Psychological factors. Physical exercise can accelerate weight loss as well have you feeling better. It does not need to be hard work, time consuming or costly. However, some people find it difficult to make a start or sustain exercise. Therefore, it is important to address your mindset. If sitting in front of a TV or computer device with a bowl of snacks, lollies, chocolates, accompanied by sweet fizzy and/or alcoholic drinks has become a habit, consider your mindset. Don’t buy into excuses like being too out of condition, too old or too busy to exercise. There are many options to exercise – choose what you enjoy. The key is to move your body and keep moving on a regular basis.
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