
On this page our client testimonials are published. If you would like record your own testimonial click here
LT (Female, age 54, Sydney):
He is the best at diagnosing an illness
Over 10 years ago, I had a lot of trouble with my health. I was in extreme pain. I suffered a 3rd nerve palsy. I was sleeping for 20 hours a day. I lost count of how many specialists I'd seen. After 3 years of care via the Royal North Shore Hospital and 2 years of more independent specialists, referrals lead me to Micheal Beilby. Finally! tangible answers that made sense. My health began to improve steadily. Issues of heavy metal toxins, moulds, bacteria and parasites were found in my system, through Beilby's care via bioresonancing, his insightful medical knowledge and his ability to think outside the square. He is brilliant. I am ever grateful to be under his care. I highly recommend Michael Beilby at Beilby Health.

CN (Male, age 42, Melbourne):
Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome
In the 18months since loosing my ability to walk, work, stand and think (following a nasty power tool accident), I have had a team of surgeons, specialists, GPs, physios, EPs, Chiros, Osteos and psychologists working to help me regain function. Michael Beilby's treatment has achieved more results for me in four appointments over three weeks than in the last 18 months. His treatment has helped a number of my serious complications, including my complex regional pain syndrome (nerve pain) and cognitive impairment (like dementia). While not living in NSW has meant the cost and inconvenience of travelling interstate to see Michael has been big, having my health restored (and the opportunity to live a productive life contributing to my family and society again) is priceless.

LB (Female, age 62, Rural NSW):
I have been treated by Dr Beilby for over 20 years. As I live rurally I go to my local doctor as needed but the treatment is limited, especially in sorting out what the core problems might be. Then I go to Dr Beilby and have found repeatedly that symptoms that have perplexed my doctor or specialists are quickly sorted. This has been literally life changing over the years, when I had a chronic illness impacting on being able to work or lead a normal life. His ability to diagnose and treat the underlying causes completely fixed me. I cannot recommend him highly enough.

ST (Male, age 56, Sydney NSW):
Early Alzheimer's Disease
Michael truly was able to diagnose all of my health issues in one session. I have been unwell for 40 years but in the last 5 years my health declined rapidly. I was diagnosed last year with mild Alzheimer's disease by another Integrative doctor. However there was still a mysterious underlying health issue that was continuing to make me feel very sick which I was determined to treat and hopefully would help to reverse the Alzheimer's issue. My symptoms are mild chronic fatigue, feeling dizzy and intermittent nausea, cognitive decline with body aches and pains.
I have been to several other doctors previously and most were unable to help find what the other mystery illnesses using conventional testing methods available. Michael uses advanced technology that allows him to do on the spot testing for instant, live analysis which no other doctor has the capability to do (that I know of in Australia). With his knowledge and equipment he is able to find the underlying issue quickly and accurately saving his patients time and money without having to travel to pathologies for tests or waiting weeks for results to come back - particularly if integrative tests are not available in Australia and samples have to be shipped to the US or Europe for testing.
He is truly amazing in his knowledge of the human body systems. I believe that he will be able to help me recover from all of my dis-eases! I highly recommend Michael Beilby. Thank you so much and I look forward to recovering to full health for the first time in my life so I can actually live my life to the fullest.